Syllabus Appendix
Additional Syllabus Information for PH465
Course Catalog description
PH 304B. GENERAL PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II (3). A continuation of PH 304A, focusing on electricity, magnetism, and waves. Includes an introduction to quantum mechanics. Corequisite: PH 305B. Prerequisite(s): PH 304A.
Student Learning Outcomes
In this course, you should learn how to:
- Explain the meanings of and relations among electrostatic force, electric field, electric potential, electric current and resistance, magnetic force, magnetic field, electric flux, and magnetic flux.
- Explain wave phenomena, including interference and diffraction of sound and light, as well as the quantum-mechanical wave-particle duality of matter and light.
- Solve quantitative problems describing electric, magnetic, and wave phenomena, starting from fundamental principles, and applying mathematics including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and differential and integral calculus.
- Reason qualitatively about electric, magnetic, and wave phenomena, determining how changes in parameters of a system are likely to affect its behavior.
This course is aligned with the following departmental learning outcomes:
- Knowledge of the fundamental principles of analytical mechanics, special relativity, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. - Ability to apply the principles of physics to solve qualitative and quantitative problems using both analytical and computational methods.
- Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Attendance policy
Attendance at every course meeting is expected. Activities completed in class will affect the participation category of the course grade, and may not be completed late in the case of an unexcused absence.
Excused absence policy
Excused absences will be granted in compliance with Regis College policies. Graded work that is missed due to medical or University-sanctioned athletics will be excused, but you remain responsible for the material missed.
Incomplete policy
If unforeseen circumstances occur, and a student is unable to complete the required work for the course, an “Incomplete” grade may be submitted. A request must be made in writing and approved by the instructor. The request will include a timeline and plan for completing the work. The incomplete grade will reflect the grade earned in the course to this point ( an “I” with whatever grade earned, including the missing work: an IF or ID or IC) and will only change when the plan is completed. Please see the University Catalog for more of the full policy: “A grade of an Incomplete or “I” denotes that the required work for the course is incomplete due to unforeseen circumstances” (emphasis added), which means “an accident, an illness, a death or major life transaction has occurred.”
Key dates
The add/drop deadline is January 21. The withdrawal deadline is April 5. Midterm grades are due March 12.
Academic Honor Code
All members of the Regis University community exhibit the qualities of honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness in all academic activities, holding themselves and each other accountable for the integrity of the learning community. Regis University students are committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and assume full and complete responsibility for maintaining those standard in the academic environment.
Academic integrity violations
Violations of academic integrity are taken very seriously and include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct. All violations will be reported with appropriate sanctions applied. Sanctions can include, but are not limited to failure of an assignment, failure of a course, removal of academic honors, or review of the Academic Integrity Tutorial. For more serious violations, program suspension, College dismissal or University expulsion may be imposed. Refer to the Regis College Office of the Academic Dean for further information. This Academic Honor Code applies to any student enrolled in a course at Regis University or one of its university partners, regardless of the student’s home college or program, and will be enforced according to the policies and procedures outlined in the University Academic Integrity Policy.
It is the responsibility of each student to review all aspects of the course syllabus and agree to adhere to the Academic Honor Code. In doing so, the student acknowledges that the work represented in all examinations and other assignments is his or her own and that he or she has neither given nor received unauthorized information. Furthermore, the student agrees not to divulge the contents of any examination or assignment to another student in this or ensuing semesters.
Learning Support
If you have a documented disability requiring academic adjustments, please contact Dr. Joie Williams, Director of Disability Services (303-964-3666,, Clark Hall 225). She will review your documentation with you and help determine appropriate, reasonable accommodations. Following the meeting with Dr. Williams, please make an appointment with your instructor to discuss your accommodation request in light of the course requirements. You may self-disclose and request academic adjustments at any time during the semester. However, it is strongly recommend that you do so as soon as possible because accommodations are not provided retroactively and adequate lead-time is required.
Title IX and Regis’s Nondiscrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy
In the event that you choose to write or speak about having survived sexualized violence, including rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking and specify that this violence occurred while you were a Regis student, federal and state education laws require that, instructors notify the Regis University Title IX Coordinator, Michelle Spradling. She will contact you to let you know about accommodations and support services at Regis and requirements for holding accountable the person who harmed you. To learn more about Title IX, explicitly at Regis, go to
If you do not want the Title IX Coordinator notified, instead of disclosing this information to your instructor, you can speak confidentially with counselors in the Office of Counseling and Personal Development (see below) and the Blue Bench, a community agency that focuses on sexual assault and sponsors a 24/7 hotline. They can connect you with support services and discuss options for holding the perpetrator accountable. The number is 303-322-7273.
During the semester, if you find that life stressors are interfering with your academic or personal success, consider contacting the Office of Counseling and Personal Development (OCPD). All full-time Regis College students are eligible for counseling services at no charge. OCPD is located in the Coors Life Direction Center, Room 114 and can be contacted by phone 24/7 at 303-458-3507. For more information, see
The Learning Commons
The Learning Commons’ Writing Center, Tutoring, and Academic Success Workshops help with writing and studying in one-on-one and group sessions, in person and online.
- Writing Center: all stages of writing, all degrees and disciplines. Graduate students, too!
- Tutoring: available in a range of subjects at introductory and intermediate levels.
- Smarthinking: another free online tutoring option. Writing, business, nursing, computer programming, mathematics, sciences, and Spanish support by highly trained tutors! 10 free hours annually.
- Academic Success Workshops: led by Regis faculty and staff, free for Regis members, and cover a range of topics.
Visit to schedule writing/tutoring appointments, log into Smarthinking, reserve study space in TLC, view workshop schedule, access online resources, and learn more about TLC. Contact / 303.964.6591 / Clarke Hall 241.
Diversity and Inclusion
At Regis University the term “diversity” affirms our Jesuit commitment to build an inclusive community that values the dignity and contributions of all our members. We strive to shape a learning environment characterized by the Jesuit traditions of mutual respect and the pursuit of social justice, recognizing that our various identities and experiences, including but not limited to age, gender, race/ethnicity, class, disability, sexual orientation, religion and other forms of human difference, contribute to the richness and vitality of our Regis community, and those we are connected to locally, nationally, and globally. In accordance with our Jesuit Catholic mission, we commit ourselves to maintaining a humane atmosphere, where the human rights of every individual are recognized and respected. We desire that same commitment to be instilled in each member of our community and demonstrated through our words and actions. Should an individual ever feel as though these values are not being upheld in the academic or residential environment, we encourage that person to bring it to the Office of Diversity, Engagement and Inclusion in the Student Center, Suite 219; or 303-964-6211.